Knowledge leads to Unity, Sri RamakrishnaGita and Vedanta (Ramakrishna): Knowledge leads to Unity, Ignorance to DiversitySri Ramakrishna Paramahansa is perhaps one of the most important spiritual Masters of humanity in recent centuries.Its message of peace and above all that all religions are valid (Principle of Harmony between religions: religions are different paths to God, but they are not God), are laying the foundations for a new global ethic. Sri Ramakrishna followed the four Paths of Yoga defined in the Bhagavad Gita, but above all Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Devotion, although inside he was all Jnana (Knowledge). Once Sri Ramakrishna says: «Knowledge leads to Unity, What knowledge was Ramakrishna referring to? To Atman Jnana (Self-knowledge) leading to Brahma Jnana. This knowledge is the only thing that can take man out of ignorance and set him free. When we are able to see the Lord dwelling in all the hearts of all living beings, when we are able to see the friend as well as the enemy, when names and forms do not matter, then we see that unity in diversity. And we understand that everything, absolutely everything we see, the universe, you, me, anything is an illusion generated by the power of Maya of the Lord, and that the only thing that is Real is the Absolute, God, Sat-Chit-Ananda, Allah, Brahman or whatever you want to call him. The precious mantra “Asathomaa Sathgamaya” expresses it this way: «Led me from the unreal to the Real. Led me from the darkness to the Light. Led me from death to Immortality This reflection by Sri Ramakrishna contains the essence of Vedanta (All is one) and therefore one of the key teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. In the last chapter of the Bhagavad Gita (18th), the Yoga of Liberation by Renunciation Krishna told Arjuna: How would the world be if we could see this unity in diversity? Conocimiento conduce a unidad, Sri Ramakrishna Conhecimento leva à unidade, Sri Ramakrishna.
What is Yoga according to the Bhagavad Gita? (c) Gita Institute |