Liberation through Karma Yoga (Bhagavad Gita)This verse from the Bhagavad Gita shows us the path of liberation through Karma YogaLiberation through Karma Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita (the Path of Wisdom).«Sri Krishna: O Arjuna, son of Bharata! Just as the ignorant work attached to action, so the wise should act without attachment, desiring the well-being of the world» Bhagavad Gita 3-25 Yoga of Action (Karma) The same job can be done by a wise person or by an ignorant person. But the wise man acts for the welfare of the world while the ignorant man acts for his own satisfaction. This is the Path of the liberation through Work (Karma Yoga) The principle of work is the detachment. Work must be done without desire for personal enjoyment of its fruits, and without thinking about success or failure. Liberación mediante el Karma Yoga Bhagavad Gita Libertação através da Carmaioga. Sankhya Yoga, Sankhya Yoga Philosophy, Gandhi, Swami Sivananda, Karma Sannyasa Yoga, Gita and business |