Gita 3 Karma Yoga (Path of Selfless Action)Act without expecting fruits of action Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Karma Yoga (Selfless work)The Yoga of Action (Karma Yoga), Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita Spanish / English /Hindi
Outline of Chapter 3- The Yoga of Action (Karma Yoga): The student begins the study of the third chapter, the Yoga of Action (Karma Yoga): the path of selfless action, that is, acting but without expecting the fruit of the actions. In this chapter Sri Krishna offers Arjuna a clear answer to his fear of committing without if he killed his relatives. Arjuna was hesitant about the need to engage in action even knowing the imperishable nature of Atman. Sri Krishna's response was clear: Although Arjuna had not yet realized the Absolute Reality, his obligation was to perform the actions, not to stop participating in them (“action is superior to inaction”). But he had to act with detachment from the fruit of actions and do it with Devotion (Bhakti Yoga), as a divine offering.
That is, the path of Karma Yoga allows a person to fulfill his worldly obligations (a normal man) while trying to achieve higher spiritual goals. This chapter also introduces a capital theme: The need to act for the good of the world and humanity.
For Swami Vivekananda, the Karma Yoga is the purification of the mind through work. The rest of this summary on “Karma Yoga” is only available to students of the Gita Institute
Example: Chapter 3, verse 43 (Gita Makaranadam by Swami Vidya Prakashananda) (c) Gita Institute |