Swami Vivekananda. Religion is realization. RamakrishnaVivekananda: from agnostic to philosopher (Jnani), devotee (Bhakti) and Karma Yogi by the Grace of Sri RamakrishnaRealization of the Bhagavad Gita Course Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
Works of Swami Vivekananda translated by Pedro Nonell:
Yoga Shastra: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Bhagavad Gita Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), Swamiji, was a Hindu monk and chief disciple of the saint Sri Ramakrishna, in his youth he had been an atheist. He was a key figure in the introduction of Vedanta and Yoga to the West, the renewal of Hinduism, as well as the development of the idea of nationalism in colonial India. «Hinduism is based on the accumulated treasure formed by spiritual laws discovered by different people at different times.» Swami Vivekananda. As a young man Narendra had to go through a period of spiritual crisis when he was assailed by serious doubts about the existence of God. It was at that time that he first heard about Sri Ramakrishna and went to meet him, so he asked him, “Lord, have you seen God?” Without a moment's hesitation, Sri Ramakrishna replied, “Yes, I have. I see it as clearly as I see you, only in a much more intense sense.” Thus began a guru-disciple relationship that is quite unique in the history of spiritual teachers. «Religion is realization; no talk, no doctrine, no theories, no matter how beautiful they may be. It is being and becoming, neither hearing nor recognizing; It is the entire soul becoming what it believes.» Swami Vivekananda. On August 16, 1886, Sri Ramakrishna was freed from his mortal body. Under the leadership of Narendra, they formed a new monastic brotherhood and in 1887 took the formal vows of Sannyasa, thus assuming new names. Narendra became Swami Vivekananda. After touring India to learn about the needs of the Indian masses (Swamiji deduced that they had never been taught the practical application of the principle of Atman and Vedanta), he made several trips to the United States and Europe (London) lasting almost three years and half. In Chicago he was the most acclaimed speaker at the 1893 Parliament of the World's Religions, in addition to giving several classes and lectures. He founded the Vedanta Society of New York Swami Sarvapriyananda (monk of the Society Vedanta of NY) The first non-Indian disciples joined the Ramakrishna movement. The globalization of Vedanta, the Bhagavad Gita (Structure of the Bhagavad Gita), Yoga and also the Yoga Philosophy began. On May 1, 1897, he founded the Ramakrishna Mission open to all men without distinction of religion, race or caste. In June 1899 he traveled to the West on a second visit to the United States. In all the trips he made he always carried with him a copy of the “Bhagavad Gita” and the “Initiation to Christ.” On July 4, 1902, before his Mahasamadhi, he wrote to a Western follower: “I will inspire men everywhere until the whole world knows that he is one with God.” ¡Thank you Swami Vivekananda! Swamiji, the spiritual heir of Sri Ramakrishna, Given the importance of Sri Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna in deepening the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita and understanding the renewal of Hinduism, a chapter has been written in the Hinduism, Gita and influence on humanity section of the book “The Yoga of Wisdom" in which the reader can delve deeper and meditate on his wise teachings: The Bhagavad Gita greatly influenced the life of Swami Vivekananda: «If there is anything in the Bhagavad Gita that excites me, it is these two verses, the very essence of Sri Krishna's teaching: whoever sees the Supreme Lord dwelling equally in all beings, the Imperishable in the things that perish, he sees actually. Because seeing the Lord as himself, present everywhere, he does not destroy the Self for the Self, and thus reaches the highest goal.» For Swami Vivekananda the central figure of the Bhagavad Gita is Krishna. «Hindus believe that according to the needs of the world, for the preservation of Dharma and the destruction of evil, He reincarnates (Bhagavad Gita 4 7-8).»
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa appointed Swami Vivekananda as his spiritual heir, later founding the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. For Swami Vivekananda, the Karma Yoga is the Path of selfless service, whoever follows is a Karma Yogin. «The motto of the Karma Yogi is “not I, but you”,
self-sacrifice is never too much for him. But he does it without any desire to
go to heaven, or gain name or fame, or any other earthly benefits. Bhakti Yoga is the Path of exclusive Devotion to the Lord, whoever seeks union through love or devotion is a Bhakta Yogi. Raja Yoga is the path of self-control, whoever seeks to unite with the Lord through mysticism is a Raja Yogi. Jnana Yoga is the Path of Wisdom, whoever seeks to unite with the Supreme Being through philosophy and inquiry is a Jnana Yogi: «To contemplate the One Being in all beings is Jnana, wisdom; loving the Lord is Bhakti or devotion, serving the Lord in everything is Karma or action. When the Jnani Yogi attains wisdom, he is endowed with devotion and engages in selfless activity.» Swami Vivekananda. The rest of this summary on “Swami Vivekananda” is only available to students of the Gita Institute Our model of transmission of knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita is based on the principles enunciated in the Bhagavad Gita and the guidelines that Swami Vivekananda established in his Philosophy of the Ramakrishna Mission. Philosophy of the Gita Institute based on Swami Vivekananda.
Life of Swami Vivekananda (I): as a child until the death of death of Sri
Ramakrishna The contributions of Swami Vivekananda to world culture Example from the book: The Yoga of Wisdom: Bhakti Yoga by Swami Vivekananda Mahabharata according to Swami Vivekananda Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda Example from a comment by Swami Vivekananda of a verse of the Gita Makaranadam: (c) Gita Institute |