Castes (Varnas): Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras. Bhagavad GitaGita: The order of the four Varnas was created by Me according to the Gunas and Karma of each one.Courses: Bhagavad Gita - Karma Yoga The term Castes (Varnas could be translated as “color”, it was surely established around the year 1500 BC. C. by the Aryans.In Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita Yoga Knowledge and Renunciation of Action, Sri Krishna tells to Arjuna: «The order of the four Varnas was created by Me according to the different Gunas and Karma of each one; However, although its author, I being immutable, I am not the author» Bhagavad Gita 4-13. It is very important to note that the Bhagavad Gita does not affirm in any case that the character is hereditary of the Castes: The Caste is defined by the character of each person (Gunas) and their Karma. The four main castes are: 1. Brahmins (priests, Swamis, gurus), is the upper caste. They are the spiritual leaders of society. They must provide wisdom to guide society on the right path: Serenity, moderation, austerity, purity, forgiveness, righteousness, knowledge and discriminating knowledge, faith in God are the natural obligations of a Brahmana» Bhagavad Gita 18-42. 2. Kshatriyas (warriors, businessmen, politicians). They must be able to organize society, the economy, education or the army, according to the vision of spiritual leaders: «Courage, spirit, perseverance, ingenuity, generosity and ability to govern are the natural obligations of a Kshatriya» Bhagavad Gita 18-43. 3. Vaishyas (merchants, ranchers, farmers, workers), formed from the “hips of Brahman”, are perfectly capable of producing what society needs, provided they are guided by a good Kshatriya: «Tilling the soil, protecting the cow and trade are the natural functions of a Vaishya» Bhagavad Gita 18-44. 4. Shudras (serfs, unskilled workers). According to the Hindu point of view, they can work very well under proper supervision. It is stated that “they are happier working for others than for themselves”, they are people who do not want to take risks: «Service is the natural duty of a Shudra» Bhagavad Gita 18-44. The untouchables or castees (outcasts, dalits), called harijan by Gandhi, are below the caste system. In Indian Constitution, castes are prohibited, but it is undeniable that they still exist. And Hindu tolerance always surprises us: The tenth president of India, Kocheril Raman Narayanan, was precisely an untouchable. Since the renewal of Hinduism, all the great Swamis and thinkers renounced the caste system: «The caste system can only be eliminated by one means: The love of God. “The lovers of God do not belong to any caste.» Sri Ramakrishna. The rest of this summary on “Castes (Varnas)” is only available to students of the Gita Institute (c) Gita Institute |