Para-vidya (Spiritual Science) and the Bhagavad GitaThe Bhagavad Gita is a Spiritual Science (Para-vidya) Yoga Sutras PhilosophyHow to study the Bhagavad Gita For Swami Vivekananda, Western materialist sciences are about objective reality, that is, what one sees, perceives, and experiences. The so-called Spiritual Science in the Upanishads, cultivated in India, deals with subjective reality. The knowledge of the objective reality, the body (Shetra), is Apara-vidya, and Para-vidya is the realization of the Knower, the Self, the Atman (Self-knowledge). There are three verses from the Bhagavad Gita that will help us better understand this concept: «That which in this body is called the Witness, the Author, the Sustainer, the Experiencer, the Great Lord and also the Supreme Atman, is the Supreme Being» Bhagavad Gita 13 (Yoga of the Distinction between the Field and the Knower of the Field)-2 3
The East has cultivated the science of Para-vidya, while the West, the science of Apara-vidya. The Bhagavad Gita is above all a Moksha Shastra, a book of liberation and Self-Knowledge, it is ultimately the study of the Science of the soul, of our immortal part; and also of the Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali). «A firm conviction about the nature of Atman (self-knowledge), the perception of the goal of knowledge of the Truth. All this is Knowledge and the opposite is ignorance.» Gita XIII-13 The online study of the Bhagavad Gita - Para-vidya (higher knowledge) - requires a different methodology than the study of any other subject - Apara-vidya - (economics, design, engineering and even Asanas). Para-Vidya (ciencia espiritual) y Gita Para-Vidya (Ciência spiritual) and Bagavadeguitá. Versions, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, General overview, modalities, chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, reading, one to one, Exercises, Teachers
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