Bhagavad Gita, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda

Benefits of the Book: The Yoga of Wisdom, Gita

Benefits of the Book The Yoga of Wisdom (Bhagavad Gita): Spreading the Principle of Religious Harmony (Sri Ramakrishna) in Africa

All profits from this book will be dedicated to the « Ahimsa Africa» project developed by EENI Global Business School and the Gita Institute of which I am the director. In addition to restoring ignorance with the sword of knowledge (Jnana to the West)

The two fundamental objectives of the project are:

1. Train Africans in the area of ​​"Business, Ethics and Religions” by facilitating their access to higher education

2. Disseminate the “Principle of Harmony between religions” enunciated by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (all religions are valid, they are only one path) in Africa and particularly in the countries of the African Sahel (Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Nigeria, Chad, Central African Republic, Mauritania, Cameroon..) where the conflict between Islam and Christianity is once again a serious problem

Sri Ramakrishna, Harmony, so many paths, so many religions

Bhagavad Gita Book (Yoga of Wisdom, Gandhi, Sivananda) Pedro Nonell
Buy Book (Gita in Spanish)

  1. Bhagavad Gita (Gandhi, in Spanish)
  2. Hinduism, Gita and influence on humanity
  3. Free adaptation in verse of the Bhagavad Gita
  4. My mission in relation to the Bhagavad Gita

In Africa, traditional African religions, as the deepest and most primal substratum of the African man and woman, and the principle of Sri Ramakrishna can help improve the dialogue between Islam and Christianity, and can be one more way to avoid radicalization jihadist that so seriously plagues the Sahel.

The Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram (“No to Western education” in Hausa) kidnapped and enslaved more than 2,000 women and girls between 2014 and 2015, including 276 in a single night at the Chibok school. I have seen firsthand the consequences of terrorism: death, violence, desolation, economic ruin.. In 2017 I had to close a university in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) due to the terrorist threat.

This book is distributed in paper and digital format, if the reader has an unpurchased copy and agrees with the vision of the “Ahimsa Africa” ​​project, consider making a donation.

Thank you very much, Pedro Nonell, Author of the Book «The Yoga of Wisdom».

Bhagavad Gita in Spanish Benefits del libro: El Yoga of the Sabiduría Bhagavad Gita in Portuguese Benefícios Livro: Ioga da Sabedoria.

Telugu recognition Pedro Nonell translation Bhagavad Gita

Help me spread the teachings of the Gita, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda

Thank you letter from a reader: The Yoga of Wisdom (Bhagavad Gita)

Bhagavad Gita sung Sanskrit and Spanish (Dr Ghazal Srinivas and Nonell)

business Ahimsa (Nonviolence, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga)

Bhagavad Gita Book (Pedro Nonell) Sri Aurobindo Infinity Yoga School

(c) Gita Institute

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