Yoga Divine Manifestations. Bhagavad Gita 10Chapter 10 Bhagavad Gita (Gandhi): The Yoga of Divine Manifestations (Vibhuti) VyasaChapter 10: The Yoga of Divine Manifestations (Vibhuti Yoga) of the Bhagavad Gita.Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita: Yoga Divine Manifestations The Lord said: 1. Hear once again My supreme word, O Mahabahu, which I will pronounce for your benefit, My beloved2. Neither the gods nor the great sages know My origin; for I am, in every sense, the origin of both 3. He who knows Me as the great lord of the worlds, without birth or beginning, is not deceived among all mortals, and thus he is freed from sins. 4. Discernment, knowledge, liberation from delusion, deep suffering, truth, self-control, inner calm, pleasure, pain, birth, death, fear and boldness; 5. Non-violence (Ahimsa), impartiality, contentment, austerity, beneficence, good and bad fame, all these various attributes of creatures are truly from Me. 6. The seven great sages (Rishis), the four ancients and the Manus They were also born from Me and My mind, and from them all the creatures in the world were born. 7. Undoubtedly he who truly knows My immanence and My yoga is endowed with an unbreakable yoga. 8. I am the source of everything, everything comes from Me; Knowing this, the wise worship Me with their hearts full of devotion. 9. With Me in their thoughts, with their whole soul dedicated to Me, teaching each other, with Me always on their lips, they live happy and joyful. 10. To these, always in harmony with Me, worshiping Me with tender devotion, I give the power of selfless action, and thus they come to Me. 11. Out of My compassion towards them, I who reside in their hearts, destroy the darkness, born of ignorance, with the radiant light of knowledge. Arjuna said: 12. Lord! Thou art the supreme Brahman, the supreme Abode, the supreme Purifier! Eternal Celestial Being, Primal God, Unborn, Omnipresent.13. Thus declared all the sages, the divine sage Narada, Asita, Devala, Vyasa, and Thou Thyself affirm it thus. 14. Everything Thou tell Me is true, I know it, O Keshava, truly Lord, neither the gods nor the demons know Thy manifestations. 15. Only Thou know Thyself, O Purushottama, O Origin and Lord of all beings, God of Gods, O Ruler of the universe. Thus ends the tenth chapter, titled Vibhuti Yoga.
Yoga of the Manifestations divines Bhagavad Gita Ioga das Manifestações divines. Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita (Gandhi, comments by Sivananda): Yoga of Divine Manifestations Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita (Gandhi): Vibhuti Yoga Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita (versified)